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Programs : Brochure

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Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Minimum Language Requirement: GER 310 Click here for a definition of this term Language of Instruction: English, German
Type of Program: Dual Degree
Program Description:

BS in International Management

This exciting dual degree program allows undergraduate students to earn degrees from both Drexel’s LeBow College of Business and Reutlingen University’s European School of Business.

Students who enroll in Drexel LeBow’s dual degree program do not need to be proficient in the German language. Once enrolled in the program, students will take the German language sequence, while declaring the five-year co-op schedule as their plan of study. During their pre-junior year, students will travel to Reutlingen University, European School of Business (ESB) in Germany, where they will study for two semesters and spend one semester on co-op (18 months total).

Students will then finish their last two terms at Drexel LeBow. Upon completion of their senior year, students will receive a degree from Drexel University (bachelor of science in Business Administration) and a degree from Reutlingen University (bachelor of science in International Management).

Reutlingen University

Germany is the Eurozone’s largest economy and most populous nation. Situated at the heart of the continent, the rest of Europe is just a train ride or a short flight away - just about a 6-hour drive or 1-hour flight to Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Prague Vienna and Paris. The city of Reutlingen is located in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, in the southwest corner of the country.

Reutlingen University (in German: Hochschule Reutlingen) enrolls just over 4,000 students, a quarter of whom are international and exchange students. The presence of a large number of students from all over the world creates a truly international atmosphere with maximum exposure to new cultures.The University offers intensive courses in the German language and workshops on study methods.

Reutlingen’s campus is close to recreational areas, including the city’s soccer stadium, and is only a 20 minute walk from the town center.

More Information on Reutlingen University

Costs and Financial Aid

Estimated Program Costs
Review the Estimated Study Abroad Costs page for a list of approximated program expenses.

Tuition & Financial Aid
This is a Drexel sponsored program, thus your Drexel tuition and financial aid remain the same during the term abroad. Students may also want to submit a revised budget to Drexel Central to see if additional funding may be available.

Students who receive Federal Work Study should consider applying for the Study Abroad Online Journalist work study position (only available to students after acceptance).

Those interested in seeking additional funding should review Scholarship & Funding Opportunities. Remember that scholarship deadlines may be much earlier than study abroad deadlines, so plan accordingly.

For more information on these and many other scholarship opportunities, visit our Scholarships page.

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Fall 2024 03/01/2024
04/01/2024 TBA TBA
F/W/SP/SU 2024-2025 03/01/2024
04/01/2024 TBA TBA
Fall 2025 03/03/2025 04/01/2025 TBA TBA

Indicates that deadline has passed